An expanding collection of vintage pictures of aeroplanes in service. My thanks are due to the many individuals who have allowed me to make use of photographs from their personal albums, without which this page would not exist.
If you have any pictures of old aircraft in service (not modern pictures of preserved examples) which you would like to share with the world, please send me an e-mail giving some information about
them. The email form will not accept image files directly, but I will reply with details of an email address to which you may send an attached scanned image of each one in JPEG format (around 640x480 size or larger if possible). I can't promise to use them all, but will try to include as many as space permits. Apologies for complicating the email process but I don't list my email address directly on web pages any more as it encourages unsolicited mass emails from undesirable sources. Please don't offer any pictures where copyright is held by someone else.
I am also willing to do my best to identify any "mystery aeroplane" pictures you may have, and have been very successful so far. If you want to know what it is, please try me.
Click on a picture or title for details and further images