Messerschmitt Me163b Komet
1/8 scale ?
Engine: Enya 35
Wingspan: 42 in.
Weight: 3.5 lb.
Rojair kit
Structure: Fuselage and fin is a multi-part ABS plastic moulding. The wings have foam cores covered with obechi. Wing covering is tissue and sanding sealer with Humbrol authentic colours sprayed on.
The model uses two-function controls operating the elevons, driven through a mechanical mixer. The engine is uncontrolled, running at full power until the fuel runs out. Model is hand-launched.
Flying characteristics: very fast and aerobatic, yet stable. Model responds well to the controls and has a high rate of roll.
First flown in 1982.
Current status: Crashed at Old Warden Scale Day some years ago.
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