1917 Thomas Morse S4C Scout
by Jim Landon
from the USA
Display only.
This model depicts the S4C restored and flown by Roger Freeman and his
father, and is based on closeup photos emailed to me by Lee Mensinger.
Started as a Guillow's balsa and tissue kit for ages 12 and up
24 inch wingspan (7/8 inch = 1 ft) (Scale: 1:13.7)
Engine: Non operating scale model LeRhone C-9, built from nine Williams
Brothers LeRhone cylinder kits around a scratch built crankcase. Driveshaft
is a 3/16 inch drill bit. Rubber band to spin engine and prop for simulated
flight photos and to amuse grandchildren.
Control surfaces are hinged and operate from the joystick and rudder bar.
Prop: Hand carved with brass sheet for tips.
Struts: Scratch built mahogany.
Rigging: Piano wire with Grandt Line turnbuckles.
Cowl: vac formed plastic from the kit, slightly corrected.
Top of fuselage from cowl to headrest: scratch built from brass sheet.
Triangular fairings behind cowl: scratched brass sheet.
Undercarriage: Scratched from mahogany, piano wire, etc.
Axles: scratched from brass tubing hinged in the center, with operating
bungee cord type suspension.
Finish: Sanding sealer in lieu of dope. Model Master spray can olive drab.
Sanding sealer over the olive drab for gloss.
Simulated stitches: 1/16 inch lengths of thread individually glued in place.
Rivet heads and bolt heads: some are Grandt Line, some are straight pins
Markings: Homemade templates and Model Master spray paint
Current status: On display at "Wings Over The Rockies" Air And Space Museum,
Denver CO.
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