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gee bee model d sportster large scale flying model aircraft Gee Bee Model D Sportster
by Ken Hart

1/3 scale
Engine: 22cc Tartan
Wingspan; 112in.
Weight: 15lb.
Ken's own design

This model represents Gee Bee no. NC11043 and was designed by scaling-up the plans from the Coverite kit, then adapting the structure to the needs of the larger scale.

Structure: Fuselage is based on a balsa sheet box with external stringers fabric covered. Wings have balsa ribs and spruce spars. The covering is doped nylon.

Flying characteristics: Fast and aerobatic at full throttle, this model is is an excellent flyer.

Current status: Believed to be stored pending restoration to fly with a new owner.

gee bee model d sportster large scale flying model aircraft

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