by Marcus Kellermann
from Brazil
Scale 27%
Engine: K&B 65, driving a 13x6 Master Airscrew
Wingspan: 84 inches
Weight: 6.5 Kilos
The model was built from modified/enlarged Dry Ridge plans.
Main materials used - Fuselage: Foam sheet sides as basic structure, topped
by balsa formers and stringers on top deck and sides, covered with Coverite
Fabric (Cub Yellow) and Blue Trim (Auto enamel).
Wing: 1/8" Plywood ribs, 1/16" Mahogany sheeting from leading edge to main
spar (which is a box spar).
Tail feathers: sq. 1/4" hard balsa, open structure.
Met it's demise after entering a right hand spin at low altitude, from which
I was unable to recover - the plane simply didn't respond. I can only blame
radio interference, since there is no other explanation for going havoc all
of a sudden...
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