Ivy and Martin's Web Page

fairey flycatcher flying scale model aircraft Fairey Flycatcher
1/6 scale
Engine: Webra Speed-61F
Wingspan: 56 in.
Weight: 7lb.
Radio Modeller Magazine plan

Structure: Fuselage is a balsa framework, fabric covered. The wings have balsa spars and ribs.  The tailplane has a balsa framework, covered with balsa sheet. All fabric covering is doped nylon.

The model uses five-function controls operating the rudder, elevator, ailerons, throttle and flaps, which like the full-size are also the ailerons, driven through a mechanical mixer.

Flying characteristics: Slow and stable. Model responds well to all controls, although aileron response gets poor when the flaps are fully depressed.

First flown in 1980 this model has won prizes at a number of events.

Current status: Dismantled when worn out.

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