Ivy and Martin's Web Page

vic smeed coquette vintage free flight biplane model aircraft Coquette
Engine: Allbon Dart 0.5cc
Wingspan; 30in.
Weight: 2oz.
From a design by Vic Smeed.

This model is a free-flight biplane of scale-like appearance with an excellent small-field performance.

Structure: The whole framework is built up from balsa sheet and strip, covered in tissue. The wings and tail are attached by plug-in dowels and elastic bands.

Flying characteristics: The ancient Allbon Dart provides more than enough power. The model is best hand-launched and climbs well in a left-hand turn. After the engine stops (5-10 seconds are sufficient) the model assumes a right-hand gliding turn and returns gently to earth. An ideal model for still summer evenings.

Current status: Flyable.

vic smeed coquette vintage free flight biplane model aeroplane

vic smeed coquette vintage free flight balsa model aircraft

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